Letter to Newsday (no response)
(c) 2001, Mike Barkley

From: "Michael Barkley" , mjbarkl@inreach.com
To: letters@newsday.com
Subject: Letter to the Editor - Criminal Negligence? Locked stairwell doors in the WTC
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 13:23:29 -0800

Dear Editor,

As I've explored the Internet looking for WTC answers to the same questions I have whenever I visit a high-rise, that is, where are the exits and how to use them, I've been amazed at the discussions of design concessions in the WTC towers forced by the Greed of the Port Authority in specifying a project of that size on such a small amount of land, see for instance WTC design defect discussions on the "DesignCommunity Architecture Forum" website bulletin board in September and October,

http://www.designcommunity.com/discussion.html , and
http://www.DesignCommunity.com/discussion_2001-09.html ,

as well as the learned discussion at

http://www.hera.org.nz/PDF%20Files/World%20Trade%20Centre.pdf .

But what has appalled me the most are the many, many accounts of locked fire stairs in the towers, locked doors leading INTO the stairs and locked doors leading OUT of the stairs. This is criminal negligence and should be prosecuted. Doing an internet search I find,

World trade center stairwells locked , 195 hits on Yahoo, 326 on Google

Or, leaving off the "s", yields,

World trade center stairwell locked , 696 on Yahoo, 1,460 on Google

(Boolean and wild card searching don't always work on these engines....)

Naturally, there are duplicates and irrelevancies, but still, here are some scary locked stairwell stories:


And one fellow who apparently died behind locked WTC stairwell doors:


I thought we learned the "locked stairwell" lesson with Triangle Shirtwaist. I hope Newsday will use its great power to ensure nothing like this ever happens again. Thank you.

--Mike Barkley, 161 N. Sheridan Ave. #1, Manteca, CA 95336
(H) 209/823-4817 , mjbarkl@inreach.com - MS is not Microsoft.
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--Mike Barkley, 161 N. Sheridan Ave. #1, Manteca, CA 95336 (H) 209/823-4817